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What is OTP?

A one-time password (OTP) is a security code consisting of a series of numeric or alphanumeric characters, designed to be used to authenticates a user login attempt or transaction and is valid for one time only.


The OTP (One-Time Password) feature prevents some forms of identity theft by making sure that a captured username/password pair cannot be used more than one time or after a period of time.


The user's login name stays the same, but the one-time password changes with each login or transaction.


OTP is used to minimize the risk of fraudulent login / transaction attempts and maintain high security. The OTP has become the standard method worldwide of enabling a login when special circumstances apply, such as validating a new account or confirming a transaction is legitimate. Also known as a one-time PIN, one-time authorization code (OTAC), or dynamic password, it’s most commonly a six-digit number sent to a customer’s phone via SMS text message, then entered by the customer into the site or app they’re attempting to log into.

How it Works

OTPs are used when a transaction needs additional security or an alternative method of proving a customer’s identity. When a recognized situation arises—a customer needing a password reminder, such as bank confirming an out-of-pattern transaction, multiple login attempt from several devices and many other cases (see below)—a request for an OTP is made, either by the customer him/herself or the institution they’re dealing with.


The OTP is generated automatically as a semi-random number or string of characters. There is no way to predict what the OTP will be ahead of time; also, OTPs are usually time-limited, usable only for a few minutes.


There are several ways to send an OTP. Some give the option of receiving OTPs by email, voicemails, SMS, messaging services channel like WhatsApp, telegram, line, etc. But by far the most common way to send OTPs is by mobile messaging and messaging services, typically an SMS text or WhatsApp to the customer’s cellphone.


Commsol provides OTP Solutions in response to market needs that are increasing day by day for the use of OTP. Our OTP Solutions consists of several channels: WhatsApp, SMS, voice and email.

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Currently, the 4 widely used methods to get one time password are:

  1. WA-based: Every time the user logs in or make a transaction, our OTP Solutions system will send a text message to their WhatssApp using the official WABA ID, which contains a One Time Password.

  2. SMS-based: Every time the user logs in or make a transaction, our OTP Solutions system will send a text message to their registered phone number using official SMS masking route, which contains a One Time Password.

  3. Voice-based: Every time the user logs in or make a transaction, our OTP Solutions system will send a voice message to their registered phone number, which contains a One Time Password.

  4. Email-based: Every time the user logs in or make a transaction, our OTP Solutions system will send an email message to their registered email, which contains a One Time Password.

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